28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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aw • rah • nyoosh
aw • rah • nyoosh
aw • rah • nyoosh
aw • rah • nyoosh
aw • rah • nyoosh

aw • rah • nyoosh

director: Ben Neufeld
original title: [aranyos]
country: United States, Ukraine, Poland, Germany
year: 2018
running time: 71 min.


The young filmmaker and his father try to understand the experiences of his grandmother, who survived a concentration camp. Re-enacted scenes from a diary blur the line between witness and conspiracy, and the attempt at a reconstruction of the events opens the question whether, faced with death, anyone can ever remain a hero.


American director Ben Neufeld (1987) works with the clash of documentary film with fiction and its formal conventions. His films often explore the modern history of Jewish culture.

more about film

director: Ben Neufeld
cast: Joey Hirsh, Rich Warren, Sandy Zipley Olson, David Lee Hess
producer: Maggie Corona-Goldstein, Solomon Turner
script: Ben Neufeld
photography: Kevin Berriz
sound: Pin-Hua Chen, Aidan Reynolds
co-producer: Maggie Corona-Goldstein
art director: Natalie Ziering, Nicky Lesser, Alex Morel
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas