28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Of Special Merit
Of Special Merit
Of Special Merit
Of Special Merit
Of Special Merit
Of Special Merit

Of Special Merit

director: Hellmuth Costard
original title: Besonders Wertvoll
country: German Democratic Republic
year: 1968
running time: 11 min.


A radical political gesture criticizing the new law on film funding in Germany, which included a clause on "immorality" that shook the film community into a sharp debate about whether or not to adopt the film at the Oberhausen festival. The initiator of the law is represented by a talking penis and manifestations of political propagation or servility towards power are made ironic through masturbation between the projected images.


German artist Hellmuth Costard (1940-2000) began making films in the mid-sixties while studying psychology. He soon became a rebel who shocked with his pornographic-like works. His camera experiments for a super 8mm film culminated in the film Football As Never Before (1971). 

more about film

director: Hellmuth Costard
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas