28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Carpathian Ruthenia
Carpathian Ruthenia
Carpathian Ruthenia
Carpathian Ruthenia

Carpathian Ruthenia

director: Adolf Lehner
original title: Podkarpatská Rus
year: 1937
running time: 11 min.


In 1937, Carpathian Ruthenia is still as we want to know it. “Karpathorussland,” announces the German screen title of the Czechoslovak film, “is a unique, romantic country, forming a bridge between the culture of the West and of the East.” A bridge, where Mukachevo's modern spirit exists side by side with men lugging wood, the processing of flax, cowherds dancing to the rhythms of folk music. Footage of Polish and Romanian border guards, however, is a premonition that bridges can be trod with army boots, and that the rhythm of local life would soon be dictated by gunfire.  

more about film

director: Adolf Lehner
producer: Unionfilm
script: Adolf Lehner
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas