28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Vintage: Families of Value
Vintage: Families of Value

Vintage: Families of Value

director: Thomas Allen Harris
original title: Vintage: Families of Value
country: United States
year: 1995
running time: 72 min.


This cinematic “family album created over the course of five years,” as the creator himself describes it, is an intimate portrait of three groups of queer siblings. Each protagonist reflects on his own social status and his experience with being artificially labelled and treated as “different.” Though there are dialogues with relatives, the film avoids focusing on the family history and psychological profiles of the participants. Instead, it sees the director focus on the mutual interaction and self-evident solidarity of close people in small social groups where homosexuality is not a departure from the arbitrary norm, but rather a defining experience that is in many ways indisputable.


Thomas Allen Harris (1962) je filmař a umělec, oscilující ve své tvorbě na hranici fotografie, videa, filmu a performance. Ve svých experimentálních, velice osobních filmech se zaměřuje na tematiku hledání identity, rodinné sounáležitosti a spirituality. V roce 2009 spoluzaložil projekt Digital Diaspora Family Reunion, zkoumající a prezentující příběhy nalézané v rodinných fotoalbech.

more about film

director: Thomas Allen Harris
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas