28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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The Good Driver Smetana
The Good Driver Smetana
The Good Driver Smetana

The Good Driver Smetana

director: Filip Remunda, Vít Klusák
original title: Dobrý řidič Smetana
country: Czech Republic
year: 2013
running time: 77 min.


An experiment involving engaged citizen Roman Smetana – the Olomouc bus driver who drew antennae on politicians’ billboards – expanded into an action drama about courage and (Švejk-like) determination. This feature-length film is an expanded version of an episode from the TV documentary series Czech Journal, and an embodiment of exemplary persistence in civic disobedience. In Smetana’s story, his personal convictions, court rulings, and the post-modern era’s media engineering all converge.

In the role of an “ordinary citizen” robbed of 15 minutes of his time by two curious filmmakers, former Minister of Interior Ivan Langer responds with dialectical ease to a simple question: Can you tell the camera that you have never engaged in corruption?

more about film

director: Filip Remunda, Vít Klusák
producer: Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda, Petr Kubica
editing: Vit Klusak
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas