28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Sleeping souls
Sleeping souls

Sleeping souls

director: Alexander Rastorguev
original title: Les âmes dormantes
country: France
year: 2013
running time: 51 min.


A Russian director puts together a mosaic or his country’s rural mentality deformed by government propaganda. The pre-election season in the Russian town of Achinsk is filled with the voices of the regime’s supporters, drowned out only by the chopping of ice on a Siberian lake. The regime’s skeptical opponents are already predicting the clear outcome.

The locals’ passivity and the election commission’s unspoken stance on the clear ballot manipulation culminate in the citizens’ inability to change the situation. Putin’s emotional tears following his victory are a visual metaphor for the artificiality of the entire election process in Russia.

more about film

director: Alexander Rastorguev
producer: Rebecca Houzel
script: Alexander Rastorguev, Sorrel Vincent
photography: Artyom Petrov
editing: Luc Forveille
sound: Alexander Kalashnykov
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
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Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
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