Translucent Being: Anne-Marie Miéville
Anne-Marie Miéville, Jean-Luc Godard's (non)transparent partner
"It was the idea that you have to try to love in a different way, to continue and develop the relationship." AMM
They met in Paris in 1970. Godard as a successful director, she as a budding photographer. From that moment on, they lived and worked together. She is a filmmaker, editor, writer and photographer. Her multimedia work goes beyond documentary and expands the perception of fictional film.

After the Reconciliation
Film Po usmíření režisérky Anne-Marie Miéville je filozofickým a introspektivním dílem, které zkoumá lidské vztahy, komunikaci a smysl smíření. Miéville v něm sleduje čtyři postavy – dvě ženy a dva muže – které se setkávají a vedou dlouhé dialogy o životě, lásce, smrti, vině a odpuštění. Film je charakteristický minimalistickým stylem, kde se klade důraz na dialog a herecké výkony namísto akce. Klíčovým tématem je otázka, zda je možné skutečné smíření, jak mezi jednotlivci, tak v širším společenském kontextu. Postavy se snaží pochopit své chyby a přijít na to, jak pokračovat dál po konfliktu, ať už osobním, nebo filozofickém. Miéville využívá dlouhých rozhovorů k tomu, aby odhalila složitost lidských emocí a vztahů. Snímek je intelektuální výzvou, kde dialogy slouží jako prostředek k hlubšímu pochopení mezilidské dynamiky a vnitřního světa postav.
director: Anne-Marie Miéville
original title: Après la réconciliation
country: France, Switzerland
year: 2000
running time: 74 min.

France / Tour / Detour / Two / Children
director: Anne-Marie Miéville, Jean-Luc Godard
original title: France / Tour / Detour / Deux / Enfants
country: France
year: 1977
running time: 52 min.

Here And Elsewhere
Here and Elsewhere (1976), directed by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, is an experimental essay that combines elements of documentary and political manifesto. The film was made in response to an earlier project that Godard had made in 1970 under the title Jusqu'à la victoire about the Palestinian struggle for liberation. While the original film was intended to be a celebration of the Palestinian resistance, after the defeat of the Palestinians in 1970, Godard returned to the material and reworked it. Here and Elsewhere is thus a reflection on the difference between what is “here” (in France, in the Western world) and “elsewhere” (in Palestine). It is a critical reflection on the medium of film, the manipulation of image and sound, and how political conflict is presented by the Western media. It uses a collage of images, sounds and text to break down traditional narrative structures. This film is one of the key examples of Godard's later period, in which he focuses more on philosophical questions and critiques of the capitalist system and the role of the media in manipulating public opinion.
director: Anne-Marie Miéville, Jean-Luc Godard
original title: Ici et ailleurs
country: France
year: 1976
running time: 55 min.

Libre Propos Sur La Fonction De Mère – Papa Comme Maman
The film Libre Propos Sur La Fonction De Mère – Papa Comme Maman by Anne-Marie Miéville is a short essayistic work that explores the role of parenting and gender stereotypes in childcare. Here Miéville takes a critical look at traditional notions of motherhood and fatherhood, developing the idea that both roles should be equal. The film combines interviews with parents and experts who discuss parenting and society's influence on definitions of family roles. The director breaks down conventional ideas of what it means to be a mother or father and calls for equality in parenting.
director: Anne-Marie Miéville
original title: Libre Propos Sur La Fonction De Mère – Papa Comme Maman
country: France
year: 1977
running time: 40 min.

Souvenir d’Utopie
Vzpomínka na utopii je krátký film z roku 2001, který zkoumá téma utopie a jejího místa v lidském životě. Prostřednictvím osobního a zároveň politického vyprávění klade otázky o dosažitelnosti ideálů a realitě každodenního života. Film je reflexí o ztrátě ideálů a proměnách společnosti, kombinující osobní vzpomínky s širšími úvahami o utopii jako konceptu. Vizuálně i zvukově strohý film nabízí diváctvu hluboké zamyšlení nad otázkou, co utopie znamená pro jednotlivce i společnost a zda je vůbec dosažitelná.
director: Anne-Marie Miéville
original title: Souvenir d’Utopie
country: France
year: 2006
running time: 6 min.

The Darty Report
The Darty Report is a 1989 documentary film made by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville. The film was originally commissioned by the French retail chain Darty as an advertisement, but Godard created a profound reflection on consumerism and capitalism. The main character is Miss Clio, who in a conversation with a robot symbolizes the consumer. Because of its avant-garde approach, the film was not commercially exploited and Darty tried to limit its distribution. The work is known for its critical look at the relationship between culture and commerce.
director: Anne-Marie Miéville, Jean-Luc Godard
original title: Le rapport Darty
country: France
year: 1989
running time: 41 min.

The Old Place
The Old Place is a 2000 experimental film co-directed by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville. This short documentary was commissioned for the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York to celebrate its history. The film reflects on the role of art and film in society, combining visual material with philosophical commentary. Here, Godard continues his characteristic critique of the modern world and its alienation. The work is often seen as an essay on art, culture and human existence.
director: Anne-Marie Miéville, Jean-Luc Godard
original title: The Old Place
country: France
year: 1999
running time: 48 min.

We're All Still Here
We're All Still Here by Anne-Marie Miéville is an introspective work that explores human relationships, communication and loneliness. Miéville, a long-time collaborator with Jean-Luc Godard, creates a work here that is characterised by its minimalist style and philosophical depth. The film is an essay about two characters, a male and a female protagonist, who have long conversations about love, identity and the meaning of existence. These dialogues are at the heart of the film and take the form of an intense intellectual exchange. The theme of communication is key as the characters struggle with their ability to express their emotions and understand each other. Miéville emphasizes silences, pauses and unspoken thoughts that often speak louder than the words themselves. The film is also a reflection on time and the present. The title We're All Still Here refers to remaining in a certain state, be it physical or mental. Miéville here creates an intimate portrait of the human psyche and social alienation.
director: Anne-Marie Miéville
original title: Nous sommes tous encore ici
country: France, Switzerland
year: 1997
running time: 80 min.