28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

ji-hlavadok-revuecdfEmerging producersInspiration Forum

Mary Stark


Made on 35mm film without the use of a camera, this film is dedicated to British musician and composer of electronic and concrete music Delia Derbyshire. The filmmaker works with drawings of Derbyshire’s scores and visualizations of her sound and music inventions, accompanied by a musical collage of sound compositions for theater performances. British filmmaker Mary Stark’s artistic roots are in textile design, which she uses as inspiration for her films. Her audiovisual works experiment with the sounds of factories and recording and projection equipment. Besides making films, she also creates audiovisual installations in which she works with the human body, light, shadow, and the materiality of the filmstrip.

Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas