28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

ji-hlavadok-revuecdfEmerging producersInspiration Forum

Rajula Shah


Indian director Rajula Shah (b. 1974) studied direction at the Film and Television Institute in Pune, where she also works today. In her films like Beyond The Wheel (2005) and Sabad Nirantar (2007), she uses her interest in art and anthropology to explore how ancient traditions affect the lives of today's Indians. She writes short stories and poems and is involved in translating and film journalism.

"I see my role of filmmaker/ poet as a bridge between the ancient ongoing & emergent modern and of decoding the hidden invisible framework on which the visible structure rests." R. Shah

Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas