28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Eugenic Minds

Eugenic Minds

director: Pavel Štingl
original title: Eugéniové
country: Czech Republic, Slovakia
year: 2013
running time: 75 min.


The history of one idea with monstrous consequences, presented in the style of old newsreels and interspersed with quotes from Patrik Ouředník’s Europeana. Archival footage is combined with animation as a kindly narrator takes us on a journey from the idea of cultivating a “better human race” all the way to the gas chambers.

“Some historians say that the 20th century began when people learned they were descended from apes. And some people claimed that they are less descended from apes than others...” – Patrik Ouředník, Europeana

more about film

director: Pavel Štingl
producer: Jiří Konečný
editing: Tonička Janková, Otakar Šenovský
music: Jaroslav Kořán
sound: Vladimír Chrastil
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas