28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Depth Two
Depth Two
Depth Two
Depth Two

Depth Two

director: Ognjen Glavonić
original title: Dubina Dva
country: Serbia, France
year: 2016
running time: 80 min.


A history of the armed conflict in Kosovo, in which NATO forces also eventually took part, includes many heretofore unexamined events, including mass murders of civilians which the Serbian police attempted to cover up. Ognjen Glavonić’s poetic documentary presents shocking witness testimony and leaves it to the viewer to piece together the events of the time. Unsettlingly stunning visuals give the events a current dimension - long shots of the locations in which the atrocities took place create a symbol of surviving the past in the present that the inexorable forward passage of time usually softens.

“By using light and sound, a combination of spoken testimonies and images of the places where the crimes happened, the film speaks directly to the sensations, imagination and emotions of the viewer.” Ognjen Glavonić


Serbian director and screenwriter Ognjen Glavonić (1985) creates both documentary and feature films. He has already successfully expressed a feel for lyrical gripping themes from modern Serbian history - his first extraordinary success, however, came with his light documentary portrait Zivan Makes a Punk Festival (2014). He is currently working on a feature-length film The Load, which is a loose sequel to Depth Two.

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director: Ognjen Glavonić
producer: Dragana Jovović
photography: Tatjana Krstevski
sound: Jakov Munižaba
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas