28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Lecture: Craig Baldwin’s Orphan Morphin'

Lecture: Craig Baldwin’s Orphan Morphin'

director: Craig Baldwin
original title: Lecture: Orphan Morphin Craiga Baldwina
running time: 120 min.


There is no “center” to the art of filmmaking, and–for better or worse–no “avant-garde” either. The engaged cineaste of our post-industrial times not only LOOKS at, but also–often at the same time–PRODUCES all sorts of para-cinematic work on the margins… that’s why we call our San Francisco-based project “Other Cinema”. Among the many practices of this cinema povera is the re-purposing of older found film artifacts. Discarded by institutions switching to digital, and generally available for free or very cheaply, these motion pictures are called “Orphans” because they have no sponsors or archival shepherds. Craig Baldwin’s 80-min. lecture-demo at the Jihlava Fest will trace the history of this reclamation, of this “surfing the wave of obsolescence” towards a perverse revenge against the Society of the Spectacle.

more about film

director: Craig Baldwin
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas