28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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MASTERCLASS: Jaime Rosales

MASTERCLASS: Jaime Rosales

original title: MASTERCLASS: Jaime Rosales
running time: 90 min.


Spanish director, screenwriter and a producer, Jaime Rosales, is one of the filmmakers involved in our Complete Letters project and a guest who will present his Master Class to the Jihlava IDFF’s audience. He will also bring his award-winning film, Bullet in the Head, based on real events, during which two French policemen in plain clothes were mercilessly shot by the members of the separatist organization ETA. The thriller’s plot unfolds on an entirely unique stylistic backdrop.  Jaime Rosales studied in Havana and Sydney. His work is influenced by the simple and minimalist cinematography of filmmakers such as Yasujiro Ozu or Robert Bresson. Rosales’s entire work, winning awards, for example, in Cannes, is characterised with a precise sound editing combined with the purity of the form and an intensive emotional impact. 

Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas