28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Mat goc
Mat goc
Mat goc

Mat goc

director: Dužan Duong
original title: Mat goc
country: Vietnam, Czech Republic
year: 2014
running time: 19 min.


How do the children of Vietnamese parents view Vietnam – those who speak better Czech than Vietnamese and who feel more in touch with Western culture than with that of their parents? This film tries to answer such questions by combining documentary scenes with elements of acting and a clear dramatic arc. For one of two brothers, a forced journey to Vietnam becomes an opportunity to better understand his origins, and thus his own parents and even himself. Czech viewers get a chance to see behind the wall of uniform cultural stereotypes and breathe life-giving movement into the

Mat goc – a negative term for a member of the Vietnamese community who does not honor the principles of traditional Vietnamese culture. Literally translates to “lost his roots.”


Duong Viet Duc was born in 1991 in Hanoi, but has been raised in a European cultural environment since the age of 4. He studied at Prague’s University of Economics and spent half a year as a student at FAMU. His filmmaking origins are connected with the filming of his own dance performances. He began working on his film Mat goc prior to entering FAMU, and he finished it after leaving the school. He hopes to return one day to the film school as a student.

more about film

director: Dužan Duong
cast: Dužan Duong
producer: Dužan Duong
script: Dužan Duong
photography: Saimon Phan
editing: Veronika Kůdelová, Dužan Duong
music: DJ Onra
sound: Luka Šuto
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas