28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Model Village
Model Village

Model Village

director: Hayoun Kwon
original title: Village modele
country: France
year: 2014
running time: 10 min.


This studio experiment is a fictional excursion to Kijong-Dong, the city of spirits in the North Korean demilitarized zone, to which the director was refused entry. The town, built in 1950, is a Potemkin village, an empty film set. Here it is also depicted using white models with transparent models of empty houses.

It gleams in the dark like the white tip of an iceberg in the dark mass of the ocean: a model composed of the perfect lines of the contours of the hills rising above the city. Birds sing, the loudspeakers broadcast voices. Not a sign of life anywhere.


Hayoun Kwon, Seoul (1981), graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Nantes, and has also studied in Montreal and Paris. In her work, she addresses the geopolitical situation on the Korean peninsula, individual and collective memory, the indistinct border between intent and interpretation, and the ambivalent relationship between reality and fiction. Her films Walls (2010) and Lack of Evidence (2011) were presented at the Jihlava IDFF.

more about film

director: Hayoun Kwon
producer: Olivier Chantriaux
photography: Simon Gesrel
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
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