28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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The Figures Carved into the Knife by the Sap of the Banana Trees
The Figures Carved into the Knife by the Sap of the Banana Trees

The Figures Carved into the Knife by the Sap of the Banana Trees

director: Joana Pimenta
original title: As figuras gravadas na faca com a seiva das bananeiras
country: United States, Portugal
year: 2014
running time: 16 min.


In a meditative flow of images, interspersed with flashes and vibrations of light, old postcards give life to a story with a sense of mystery straddling fictional colonial memory and science fiction. The invented memories are like cyphers that fill in the gaps in the correspondence between the Madeira islands and the former Portugues colony of Mozambique.

At night, the wind blows in from the foaming sea and sways the long, extended leaves of the banana trees. If, on a Saturday at midnight, you pierce a knife into one of its trunks, in the morning you will find a message carved into the shining blade by the tree’s acidic sap.


Joana Pimenta was born in Lisbon and lives and works in New York. She is currently studying film and visual and environmental studies at Harvard University – a continuation of her graduate studies of film and art education from Lisbon and Paris. She is also interested in visual ethnography. Most of her previous work has been in the field of video and video installations. The Figures Carved into the Knife by the Sap of the Banana Trees is her cinematic debut.

more about film

director: Joana Pimenta
producer: Cozette Russell
script: Joana Pimenta
photography: Joana Pimenta
editing: Joana Pimenta
sound: Gisburg Luis Brandao, Joana Pimenta
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas