28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

director: Ji-Yoon Park
original title: 아주 오래전에
country: Republic of Korea (South Korea), United Kingdom
year: 2020
running time: 5 min.


A film poem in which human consciousness intertwines with the element of water. The leitmotif flowing through the entire work is memory, the eternal clash between the urge to look back and the awareness of space and time ahead. The river flooding the film not only gives it a temporythmic structure but is also a reminder of the eternal natural order.


"I made this film to reconcile with myself in the past who couldn't fully like myself for a long time. I would like to dedicate this film to all who have the same experience." Ji-Yoon Park 



Ji-Yoon Park studied film at the Universities of Seoul and Edinburgh. She focuses on documentary production, in particular the search for its boundaries by combining observation with other types of art.

more about film

director: Ji-Yoon Park
producer: Ji-Yoon Park
script: Ji-Yoon Park
photography: Ji-Yoon Park
editing: Ji-Yoon Park
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas