28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Far From Afghanistan
Far From Afghanistan

Far From Afghanistan

director: Travis Wilkerson, Soon- Mi Yoo, Minda Martin, Jon Jost, John Gianvito
original title: Far From Afghanistan
country: United States, Afghanistan
year: 2012
running time: 129 min.


A tangle of commentaries, fragments, the confusion of war, bombings, explosions and thermo-vision images of the clash of civilizations within the virtual dimension of audiovisual images. A confusion of images from observer planes, the daily record of war and civilian life and forest contemplations. An urgent and intense documentary essay on civilization’s curse of the carefree life, a personal commentary on kidnapping of the filmmaker’s daughter and child abuse.

The owl as a spectre of the night. A hypnotic, tense, and unsettling portrait, with a surgically precise aim and unclear meaning. An ambivalent delirium of viewpoints sanctifying foolish wisdome and impenetrability.

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director: Travis Wilkerson, Soon- Mi Yoo, Minda Martin, Jon Jost, John Gianvito
producer: Mike Bowes, Steve Holmgren
editing: Pacho Velez, Robert Todd
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
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Český rozhlas