28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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The Mushroom Speaks
The Mushroom Speaks
The Mushroom Speaks

The Mushroom Speaks

director: Marion Neumann
original title: The Mushroom Speaks
country: Switzerland
year: 2021
running time: 90 min.


Mushrooms will most probably still be around long after humans become extinct. It is specifically the invincibility of this type of fungi and its not yet fully explored aspects that set the tone for this unusual nature documentary. Scientists from various disciplines, mushroom lovers, and their tireless promoters all speak about them. These three groups all have one thing in common: whether in a laboratory, wandering through the woods, or during a public presentation, their fascination with the ability of mushrooms to survive in hostile environments, to perceive and communicate through mycelium, and to liquidate dangerous substances through decomposing and consuming them.


"Fungi transform quickly into something else, so of course it's interesting to me as an artist. I tried to be diverse and organic in my approach – this film goes everywhere and you don't know where you are." (Marion Neumann)


Q&A with Marion Neumann:



Marion Neumann (1977) was born in Germany but now lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland. Her work is based on personal experience and she combines documentary and experimental film methods. Her debut film, The Moment Is Not the Same (2010), was the result of a community experiment.

more about film

director: Marion Neumann
producer: Luc Peter, Katia Monla
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas