28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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director: Lamine Ammar Khodja
original title: Demande à ton ombre
country: France, Algeria
year: 2012
running time: 77 min.


In 2011, after eight years in France, filmmaker Lamine Ammar Khodja returns home and records a subjective report on the Algerian events of the Arab Spring. Using a loose diary approach, he analyses the existential questions of his return. Toying with Eisenstein-like editing, he humorously comments on memories of the past and on the current situation.

This introspective and stylistically playful exploration of the director’s soul and his homeland is full of masterful symbolism. For instance, the scene showing a bonfire of newspapers filled with reports on demonstrations is underscored by the Bob Dylan song Everybody Must Get Stoned.

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director: Lamine Ammar Khodja
producer: Marie-Odile Gazin
photography: Lamine AMMAR-KHODJA
editing: Lamine AMMAR-KHODJA
music: Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Cheb Khaled
sound: Jean Barthélémy Velay
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
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