Photo gallery

28th Ji.hlava | 3.11.

28th Ji.hlava | 2.11.

28th Ji.hlava | 1.11.

28th Ji.hlava | 31.10.

28th Ji.hlava | 30.10.

28th Ji.hlava | 29.10.

28th Ji.hlava | 28.10.

28th Ji.hlava | 27.10.

28th Ji.hlava | 26.10.

28th Ji.hlava | 25. 10.

Living Cinema Praha 2024

Living Cinema Jihlava 2024

Bus of 28th Ji.hlava

Echoes of 27th Ji.hlava in the World

Opening Ceremony of Ji.hlava Echoes in Belgium

Ji.hlava Industry 2023

Inspiration Forum 2023

27th Ji.hlava | 29. 10.

27th Ji.hlava | 28. 10.

27th Ji.hlava | 27. 10.

27th Ji.hlava | 26. 10.

27th Ji.hlava | 25. 10.

27th Ji.hlava | 24. 10.

Poster unveiling of the 27th Ji.hlava IDFF & nomination for the Award for Best Czech Documentary Literature

Living Cinema Jihlava 2023

Echoes of 26th Ji.hlava in the World

Opening Ceremony of Ji.hlava Echoes in Belgium

26th Ji.hlava | 29. 10.

26th Ji.hlava | 28. 10.

26h Ji.hlava | 27. 10.

26th Ji.hlava | 26. 10.

26th Ji.hlava | 25. 10.

Living Cinema Jihlava 2022

Living Cinema Prague 2022

26th Ji.hlava: Festival Trolleybus

Poster unveiling of the 26th Ji.hlava IDFF & nomination for the Award for Best Czech Documentary Literature

Inspiration Forum 2021

25th Ji.hlava |
30.+31. 10.

25th Ji.hlava | 29. 10.

25th Ji.hlava | 28. 10.

25th Ji.hlava | 27. 10.

25th Ji.hlava | 26. 10.

Revealing the visual of 25th Ji.hlava IDFF

Inspiration Forum 2020

24. Ji.hlava online
1. 11.

24. Ji.hlava online
31. 10.

24. Ji.hlava online
30. 10.

24. Ji.hlava online
29. 10.

24. Ji.hlava online
28. 10.

24. Ji.hlava online
27. 10.

Living Cinema Prague 2020

Living Cinema Jihlava 2020

24th Ji.hlava IDFF: official festival poster

8th Echoes of Ji.hlava IDFF in Belgium | Opening Ceremony

Inspiration Forum 2019

23rd Ji.hlava
day 6

23rd Ji.hlava
day 5

23rd Ji.hlava
day 4

23rd Ji.hlava
day 3

23rd Ji.hlava
day 2

23rd Ji.hlava
day 1

Living Cinema Prague 2019

Living Cinema Jihlava 2019

Docu Talents from the East @Sarajevo FF 2019

7th Echoes of Ji.hlava IDFF in Belgium | Opening Ceremony

Inspiration Forum 2018

22nd Ji.hlava
day 5

22nd Ji.hlava
day 4

22nd Ji.hlava
day 3

22nd Ji.hlava
day 2

22nd Ji.hlava
day 1