28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival
Introducing the cohort of IF Lab 2023/24
It is our great pleasure to present the cohort of the interdisciplinary programme IF Lab 2023/24 cohort. These nine artists and scientists will together explore the question of how water can guide us in the search for solutions to pressing environmental problems through its ability to connect the human dimension of existence with other forms of life. We look forward to seeing the final art projects that will be presented in September 2024 at the Display Gallery.
Kosmas Dinh, Artist (DE)
Michał Dawid, Curator and artistic researcher (PL)
Mirjami Lantto, Cultural and environmental geographer (FI)
Mae Lubetkin, Ocean researcher & transdisciplinary artist (FR/US)
Michal Mitro, Artist and researcher (SK/CZ)
Anthea Oestreicher, Designer and artistic researcher (DE)
Vít Růžička, AI and machine learning researcher and artist (CZ)
Isabel Val Sánchez, Artist (SP)
Weronika Zalewska, Transmedia artist and researcher (PL)
The Inspiration Forum Lab is organized by Ji.hlava IDFF’s Inspiration Forum in cooperation with Kersnikova Institute, Sensorium Festival and Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice.
The project is co-funded by the European Union.