28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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People (Passing by)
People (Passing by)
People (Passing by)
People (Passing by)

People (Passing by)

director: Lordan Zafranović
original title: Ljudi (u prolazu)
country: Yugoslavia
year: 1967
running time: 10 min.


A short film from 1967 in the Mediterranean city of Split, showing the dynamics of the streets and the people who walk them, while focusing on their movements, facial expressions and the way in which society is polarized into sickness and health. The repetitive manic laughter is an expression of helplessness, encapsulating contrasts in space and time and evoking Robert Burns’ poem To a Mouse: “The best laid plan of mice and men / of go awry, / And leave us nothing but grief and pain, / Instead of promised joy!”

An old man lights a cigarette, coughing and dropping it as the music stops. The camera shows us where the cigarette is, but the man is incapable of finding it.

more about film

director: Lordan Zafranović
producer: Kruno Hajdler
script: Lordan Zafranović
photography: Andrija Pivčević
editing: Katija Majer
sound: Ranko Andrić, Mladen Prebil
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas