28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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Blue Light - Memories From a Paramedic
Blue Light - Memories From a Paramedic
Blue Light - Memories From a Paramedic
Blue Light - Memories From a Paramedic
Blue Light - Memories From a Paramedic

Blue Light - Memories From a Paramedic

director: Jaap van Heusden, Jefta Varwijk
original title: Blauw Licht - Herinneringen van een Ambulancebroeder
country: Netherlands
year: 2022
running time: 16 min.


With the same intensity with which the flashing blue light illuminates its surroundings, fatal experiences are burned into the memory of an ambulance paramedic. The traumatic dimension of carrying out a profession that is essential for society is brought closer by the documentary confession of a man who sometimes unfortunately cannot save the lives of others.

“In recent years, I have often been surprised at how we move the suffering in our society to the edges. Preferably out of sight.”

Source: Jaap van Heusden's blog


Jefta Varwijk is a Dutch cinematographer and director whose work focuses on the intersection of documentary film and other art forms, with a particular emphasis on analogue media. Jaap van Heusden (1979) is a Dutch filmmaker who makes both fiction and documentary films in which he deals with powerful personal stories.

more about film

director: Jaap van Heusden, Jefta Varwijk
producer: Jaap van Heusden, Jefta Varwijk, Martijn Bakker, Joachim van Trommel
script: Carola Houtekamer
photography: Jefta Varwijk
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
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