29th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

24. 10.–2. 11. 2025
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The Third End of the Stickplay
The Third End of the Stick
The Third End of the Stick
The Third End of the Stick
The Third End of the Stick

The Third End of the Stick

Jaro Vojtek / Slovakia / 2023 / World Premiere / 88 min.


The documentary mosaic consists of four stories from Slovak Roma settlements. The protagonists do not fit into either the majority society or their own community. This is because of their sexual orientation, religious beliefs or physical disabilities. However, a factual observation of their struggle for a dignified life shows that they are not bitter. On the contrary, they find strength and hope within themselves day after day to overcome common obstacles and step outside the boxes in which they have been situated by other people and by their background. In doing so, they ask no more of others than what they themselves have no problem with – the ability to understand and accept their fellow human beings in their otherness.

“The film is dedicated to all those who are not indifferent to anyone's fate, who are looking for a path to connection, not division, who think more about others than themselves, who give more than they take, who do not judge, but try to understand each other.” – Juraj Baláž

Source: The Film New Europe (FNE) Association


Jaroslav Vojtek (1968), a native of Žilina, graduated in documentary directing from the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. In 1993, he debuted with Blind Faith, a short portrait of a gravedigger. His film The Border won a prize at Jihlava IDFF in 2009. He is a documentary filmmaker of human stories that often take place on the margins of society and social interest.

more about film

director: Jaro Vojtek
cast: Jaroslav Horváth, Jarmila Kotlárová, Maroš Kotlár, Emil Polhoš, Adela Polhošová, Igor Horváth, Adrián Kotuľák, Nadežda Horváthová, Marián Sivoň, Helena Poláková, Ján Trachta, Marek Gábor, Dávid Klempár, Dominik Pokuta, Marek Horváth
producer: Juraj Baláž, Tomáš Slebodník
script: Marek Leščák, Jaro Vojtek
photography: Ivo Miko
editing: Radoslav Dúbravský
sound: Martin Dzurňák
sound design: Michal Džadoň

Film at festival

premiere type:World Premiere
festival edition:2023
section:Ji.hlava Online, Opus Bonum
awards:Nejlepší film z visegrádského regionu
language:Romany, Czech, Slovak
subtitles:English, Slovak


director:Jaro Vojtek
original title:Tretí koniec palice
running time:88 min.

Festival partners

Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas


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Days until the festival