29th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

24. 10.–2. 11. 2025
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Everything Has Its Own Time
Everything Has Its Own Time
Everything Has Its Own Time
Everything Has Its Own Time

Everything Has Its Own Time

Viola Ježková / Czech Republic / 2017 / World Premiere / 29 min.


Viola Ježková’s experimentally conceived film presents real time and cinematic time as something woven into one image. The image layers are often layered over one another, and the audio tracks are intermixed. This very personal documentary is a poetic exploration of memory, consciousness and future expectations as inexorably joined by reality. Filing by before our eyes (before the cinematographic gaze) are scenes from the past and images of everyday life; in the voiceover, inner voices recite fragments of long-ago dialogues between those who have left us but have not left us alone.

“How to come to terms with loss? How to treat the remains? How to understand the meaning of memories? When we enter a picture, we leave the frame. We meet ideas of images. And through this encounter we gain a new image – an image for the future.” V. Ježková


Viola Ježková (1979) is graduate of Charles University’s Protestant Theological Faculty and FAMU’s department of documentary film, where she is currently working towards her Ph.D. In 2009, the Ji.hlava IDFF screened her film Not Just Standing, But Rising Up (Milan Balabán) (2009). Three years later, the festival showed My Body’s Body (2012), which was also named best documentary at 2012 FAMUFEST.

more about film

director: Viola Ježková
producer: Ondřej Šejnoha, Kristina Škodová
photography: Viola Ježková, Marika Pecháčková, Martin Mareček
editing: Viola Ježková
music: No. Pavarotti Czech republic, Head In Body Czech republic, ZSAMM Slovenia
sound: Viola Ježková


FAMU STUDIO / Ondřej Šejnoha / Klimentská 4 / 11000 / Prague / Czech Republic / +420 234 244 402 / ondrej.sejnoha@studiofamu.cz / www.famu.cz

Film at festival

premiere type:World Premiere
festival edition:2017
section:Czech Joy
awards:Special Mention
format:Video File
colour:Colour and B&W


director:Viola Ježková
original title:Všechno má svůj čas
country:Czech Republic
running time:29 min.


Festival partners

Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas


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Days until the festival